Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Bucket List

These are the things I want to do before I die, in no particular order:

~open a flower shop~spend the night in all 50 states~be conversational in another language other than Spanish and English~adopt and older child~have a house with a wrap-around porch~get married on the beach~live by the water~drink tea in England~ buy a wooden shoe in Holland~get kissed in front of the effiel tower~eat pizza by the leaning tower of pisa~wear my gladiators in Greece~experience new years in times square~go to mardi gras in New Orleans~make a 3 tiered cake, decorated~teach spanish~repel down a mountain~love running~contribute to a charity every year~start self-esteem workshops for girls~build a house with habitat for humanity~lay on the beach of every major ocean~get scared out of my mind at a haunted house~throw a magnificent Halloween costume party~go surfing~sail a boat~ride in a hot air balloon~scuba dive~make a pie from scratch~grow a garden~

Monday, August 31, 2009

Movie Night

Movies make me happiest of all tangible things. A good movie, good snack, and good company ( or sometimes no company) can't be beat. I have always loved theater, and when I was in high school, I thought that what I loved most was acting. My theater director apparently had a different opinion. During casting for one of our big musicals, I was cast as, not the lead ( because I sound like a cat screeching when I sing), but as "Assistant Director." I was pissed. Assistant director?? I wasn't even going to get to act! Looking back on it, I now realize that she saw potential in me where I hadn't even looked, and it was actually a compliment that she trusted me to help her direct everyone. I kicked ass as Asst. Director by the way, single handedly choreographing a bar fight scene, thankyouverymuch... Anyway, I have always had a love for acting, but I have recently discovered a love for good directing. Just like a good author can make a mediocre tale into something fabulous, a good director can make mediocre acting or scripts into something fabulous. I guess I should have stuck to the directing and I could be sitting next to Opie or Baz Lurman at this very moment discussing our picks for the SAG awards. But alas, here I am writing a blog about my top 10 favorite movies-ever.

In no particular order, because I'm a Gemini and I can't stick to my decisions, so making this list is in itself a feat. I'm sure I will revise it 5 times before I post. :)

10. Practical Magic
9. Goonies
8. City of Angels
7. The Neverending Story
6. Empire Records
5. The Wizard of Oz
4. My Fair Lady
3. Mary Poppins
2. Armageddon
1. Twister

Yep. Looks good.