Sunday, June 27, 2010

Follow up and vacations

Well, I had my mammogram a couple weeks ago......not a good time. Everything came out normal, but MAN DID IT HURT!!! Seriously, you would think that by this day and age with all the fancy things this world has come up with, that someone would have thought of a better way to check for breast cancer!! Wow, that's all I really have to say about that. It's one of those things that you just won't understand until you have to do it yourself-and you should do it yourself at some point between 35-45 years old.
Anyway, Jon and I just went on vacation, and it was so great! We got to visit with Jon's family in Michigan and Indiana for a couple of days, which was great. I just love family! Everyone was so accomodating and friendly, it was just great to see everyone. After the family visiting, Jon and I headed off by ourselves to Ohio to the city of Sandusky to go to Cedar Point Amusement park. Let me tell you, Ohio is full of corn and wheat, and that's about it!! lol. I've never seen so much produce before! It was very neat to see small town midwest-so different from Texas! One of the best parts of our trip to me was getting to see Jon's home town, Bryan, Ohio. He lived there from 2nd grade until he moved to Texas when he was a sophomore in high school. So, this town was pretty much where he grew up, and he has a lot of memories of this place. It was nice to see where he came from and put a picture to the places he has talked about. I really felt like I knew him better after that ride around his home town. That night we made it into Sandusky and headed to Cedar Point for a few hours before it closed at 10. Let me tell you, riding rollercoasters at night is so fun!! It actually didn't get dark up there until like, 9:15, so we only got to ride a couple of rides in the dark, but it was great! They have the best rollercoasters ever! If you love rollercoaster, you have got to go to Cedar Point, Six Flags just doesn't cut it. We went on a rollercoaster that went up 310 feet and dropped us down at 90 mph!! Another one only lasted 20 seconds and started off like a drag race car at 120mph!!!!120mph!!!! woah, I couldn't even open my eyes it was so fast! It took us straight up and straight back down, like, an upside down U-absolutely crazy-but soooo fun!! We were both so exhausted by the end of our trip that we both slept on the plane ride back and went to be early that night! I just love vacations! Well, that's all I have for today!!
Peace out!


Sarah Beth Miles said...

Glad you had a good vaca friend! I like you!! I am super sorry about your painful mammogram!

Zabrinah said...

It's a good think you're taking care of yourself though, and going to the doctor! Even when it hurts! haha.

Best wishes from one blogger to another,
