Sunday, May 16, 2010


Well, I went to the lady doctor recently and since this was my first visit with her ( I changed docs to get an actual OB/GYN so I don't have to switch in the future when I have babies, and to establish a doc here since I've been using my doc in Denton still) I had to give her all my and my family's history. Well, my mom and maternal g-ma have both had breast cancer-my mom had it when she was 45ish-so she was pre-menopausal. My new doc told me that since my mom was pre-meno that I needed to start getting mammograms like, now. She said the age to start if your mom has had breast cancer is 35 if her cancer happend when she was post-period, but if the cancer came pre-meno, then the daughter's are supposed to get mammos starting at 25! No one has ever told me this!! She said they do this because my chance of getting breast cancer is 16X more likely since my mom was pre-meno when she got her cancer. WELL CRAP!! I guess that's the benefit of going to an OB/GYN instead of a NP-she knows important information!! So, needless to say, I had to make an appt. for a mammo. BOO! The good thing about it is that I am actually going to go with my mom and g-ma when they go on June 10th. They have to go every 6 months for mammos since they have had cancer, so I'm going with them on their summer trip. They go to Dallas to Baylor to get their's done since we don't trust doctors in Longview to give good tests, so it's going to be an all day trip, but I feel better about it now that I'll be with my mom and g-ma and not by myself. I'm really kind of nervous about it cause I have been told that it hurts like a biotch! so I'm really not looking forward to it. To make it even worse, my women's group at church watched a DVD of this christian lady comedian, I can't remember her name, but she did a whole thing on getting mammograms and it was hillarious, but it seriously scared me!!! lol! She was talking about how much it freaking hurt while they were smashing your boob, and how they move your boobs around on the little platform if it's not on there right, and all this stuff that does not sound like a good time!! lol! Anyway, I'm glad I'm getting it done, so that I can be even more proactive that self-breast exams, but I just wasn't prepared to have to start having them right now! I thought I had another 10 years! In all seriousness, though, I have already made a plan that if I do ever get breast cancer, that both of 'em are coming off and I'm getting fabulous fake boobies in their place! lol! But, it does freak me out a little that I have such a higher chance of getting breast cancer- I want to breast feed my children, and I don't think that's going to be very possible if I have silicone boobies instead of real ones!! Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there! I'm not the type to worry inscesantly about these kind of things, so don't worry, I'm not loosing any sleep over this, just something new on my plate to think about every now and then.

 Remember ladies, self breast exam and mammos when it's time are sooo important. It takes only a few minutes in the shower or while you're waiting for your self-tanner to dry to do a self breast exam, and it can save your life!
Now time for Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters! Good night!!