Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Well, second pregnancy test was negative, also. So, I guess we'll wait and see if my little friend appears this weekend! I really hope it doesn't. Not only because I want to be pregnant, but also because I will be going on our church's Youth mission trip to Colorado Sunday for the week, and I don't want to have to deal with 8 teenagers on my period!!! aaaaggg!!! I think I need to make sure I get the extra large size Ibuprofen if indeed I end up having my period!
On another note, I have a very good friend, Sarah Miles, who has the blog MilesandMilestogo, who is expecting a baby girl soon!!! I am so excited for her and even more excited that she has picked an Owl theme for her nursery!!! I love owls and especially love all the owl baby paraphenalia! So, even though I am having a difficult time getting my own baby, I can live vicariously (but not creepy, stalkerish) through her and her soon-to-be owl loving baby girl!!
Btw, I did not eat the cake balls in my fridge. Score! But I am about to go have a bite of banana pudding. Peace!